7 Best Classic RPGs Remastered for Modern Gaming

As a gamer who loves diving into the world of classic RPGs, I couldn't believe my luck when I stumbled upon these seven remastered gems.

From the unforgettable Final Fantasy VII to the epic adventures of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, these games have been given a modern makeover that will leave you in awe.

Get ready to embark on a nostalgic journey, where captivating storytelling and immersive gameplay await.

Join me as we rediscover the magic of these beloved titles, now remastered for modern gaming.

Final Fantasy VII Remastered

As a fan of classic RPGs, Final Fantasy VII Remastered captures the essence of the original game with enhanced graphics and gameplay. The remastered version takes the already engaging storytelling to new heights, immersing players into the world of Midgar like never before. The improved graphics bring the characters and environments to life, making every scene visually stunning and captivating. The developers have also added new cutscenes and reimagined iconic moments, creating a more immersive narrative experience.

One of the highlights of Final Fantasy VII Remastered is the expanded character customization options. Players now have more control over their party members' abilities, allowing for a more personalized gameplay experience. Whether you prefer a well-balanced team or specialized roles, the customization options cater to different playstyles. This feature adds depth and strategy to battles, making each encounter feel unique and rewarding.

Furthermore, the enhanced storytelling and character customization options work together harmoniously, creating a sense of belonging for players. By allowing us to shape the abilities and personalities of our characters, we feel a deeper connection to their journey and the world they inhabit.

Final Fantasy VII Remastered not only honors the original game but also elevates it to new heights, making it a must-play for both fans of the original and newcomers to the series.

Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition

Continuing the exploration of classic RPGs remastered for modern gaming, let's delve into Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition. This iconic game has been given a new lease on life, with enhanced character customization and an improved user interface that truly elevates the gameplay experience.

Enhanced character customization: In Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition, players have even more control over their character's appearance, abilities, and background. From choosing intricate details like scars and tattoos to selecting unique skills and traits, the possibilities for creating a personalized hero are endless. This level of customization allows players to feel a deeper connection to their character and immerse themselves fully in the game world.

Improved user interface: The developers of Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition have listened to player feedback and made significant improvements to the user interface. The menus are now more intuitive and streamlined, making it easier for players to navigate through the vast world of the game. This enhanced user interface enhances the overall gameplay experience, allowing players to focus on the story and quests without being hindered by clunky controls.

A sense of belonging: Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition not only brings back nostalgic memories for longtime fans of the series, but also welcomes new players into its immersive world. The enhancements to character customization and user interface create a sense of belonging, making players feel like they're an integral part of the game's universe. Whether you're a seasoned RPG player or new to the genre, Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition offers a compelling and inclusive gaming experience.

Chrono Trigger Reborn

Now diving into the realm of Chrono Trigger Reborn, I'm excited to explore another classic RPG that has been remastered for modern gaming. Chrono Trigger, originally released in 1995, is considered one of the greatest RPGs of all time. With its time-traveling storyline, memorable characters, and innovative gameplay, it captured the hearts of gamers around the world.

Now, with the remastered version, fans can once again embark on this epic adventure with enhanced graphics and improved gameplay mechanics.

One of the most notable updates in Chrono Trigger Remastered is the improved visuals. The graphics have been given a fresh coat of paint, breathing new life into the vibrant worlds and characters. The pixel art has been beautifully remastered, making every location and character more visually appealing than ever before.

In addition to the visual enhancements, Chrono Trigger Remastered also brings gameplay updates to improve the overall experience. The controls have been refined, making it easier and more intuitive to navigate through the game. The combat system has also been tweaked, offering a smoother and more engaging battle experience.

Overall, Chrono Trigger Remastered is a treat for both long-time fans and newcomers to the series. With its stunning visuals and enhanced gameplay, it offers a nostalgic journey through time that's sure to captivate players once again.

Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition

When it comes to remastered classic RPGs, Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition stands out with its enhanced gameplay features, updated graphics, and improved audio.

As a fan of the original game, I appreciate the attention to detail that the developers have put into this remastered version.

The enhanced gameplay features make the overall experience more immersive, while the updated graphics and audio breathe new life into the game's unique world.

Enhanced Gameplay Features

With enhanced gameplay features, the Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition offers players a more immersive and engaging experience. The improved mechanics in this remastered version elevate the gameplay to new heights, allowing for smoother navigation and interaction with the game world.

The revamped combat system injects a fresh sense of excitement and strategy into battles, making each encounter a thrilling and dynamic experience. Additionally, the enhanced edition introduces new character customization options, giving players even more control over their protagonist's development and story progression.

These gameplay enhancements not only breathe new life into a beloved classic, but also invite players to fully immerse themselves in the rich and captivating world of Planescape: Torment. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to the game, the enhanced gameplay features of this edition will make you feel like you truly belong in the Planescape universe.

Updated Graphics and Audio

Continuing the discussion on the enhanced gameplay features,

I was captivated by the updated graphics and audio in the Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition.

The improved visuals breathed new life into the game, immersing me in a world that was even more stunning than before.

The character models were more detailed, and the environments were beautifully rendered, making every location feel alive and vibrant.

The enhanced sound design further heightened my gaming experience.

The music was rich and atmospheric, perfectly capturing the mood of each scene.

The voice acting was also top-notch, bringing the characters to life with their nuanced performances.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening HD

One of my top picks for the best classic RPGs remastered for modern gaming is The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening HD. This timeless adventure game has been given a fresh coat of paint with enhanced visuals that breathe new life into the vibrant world of Koholint Island. The colorful landscapes and charming characters are now more stunning than ever, immersing players in a visually captivating experience.

But it's not just the visuals that have been improved. Link's Awakening HD also introduces new gameplay mechanics that add depth to the gameplay. One such mechanic is the ability to create custom dungeons using Chamber Stones, allowing players to design and explore unique challenges. This feature brings a new level of creativity and replayability to the game, making each playthrough feel fresh and exciting.

Additionally, the game incorporates a revamped control scheme that takes advantage of the Nintendo Switch's unique features. The Joy-Con controllers and touch screen functionality provide intuitive and seamless control options, making it easier than ever to navigate through dungeons and defeat enemies.

With its enhanced visuals and new gameplay mechanics, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening HD offers both nostalgia and innovation, making it a must-play for fans of the original and newcomers alike.

Fallout 2: Restored Edition

When it comes to remastered RPGs, Fallout 2: Restored Edition stands out for its enhanced graphics and gameplay. The updated visuals breathe new life into the post-apocalyptic world, making the wasteland more immersive than ever before.

Not only that, but the restored edition also brings new content and features, giving players even more to discover and explore.

With its nostalgic gaming experience combined with modern enhancements, Fallout 2: Restored Edition is a must-play for both fans of the original and newcomers to the series.

Enhanced Graphics and Gameplay

As I delved into the topic of enhanced graphics and gameplay in remastered classic RPGs, I was particularly drawn to the Fallout 2: Restored Edition. This edition not only improves the mechanics of the original game but also enhances character customization.

Here are three reasons why Fallout 2: Restored Edition stands out:

  1. Enhanced mechanics: The Restored Edition introduces quality-of-life improvements, such as improved combat mechanics and a more intuitive user interface. These enhancements make the gameplay experience smoother and more enjoyable.
  2. Improved character customization: Players now have more options when creating their characters, allowing for greater personalization and immersion. From appearance to skills and abilities, the Restored Edition offers a deeper level of customization, enhancing the player's connection to their in-game persona.
  3. Updated visuals: The remastered graphics breathe new life into the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 2. The improved visuals make the game more immersive, allowing players to fully appreciate the intricate details of the game's environments and characters.

With these enhancements, Fallout 2: Restored Edition offers a modernized and captivating RPG experience that fans of the original game will surely appreciate.

New Content and Features

I was pleasantly surprised by the abundance of new content and features in Fallout 2: Restored Edition. This remastered version of the classic RPG not only brings back the original game with enhanced graphics and gameplay, but also adds exciting new storylines and improved character customization options.

The developers have introduced new quests, characters, and locations, expanding the game's world and providing fresh experiences for both new and returning players. The addition of new storylines adds depth and complexity to the game's narrative, giving players more choices and consequences to explore.

Furthermore, the improved character customization allows players to create unique and personalized avatars, with more options for appearance, skills, and abilities. This enhances the role-playing experience and makes each playthrough feel fresh and tailored to individual preferences.

Overall, the new content and features in Fallout 2: Restored Edition truly elevate the game and make it a must-play for RPG enthusiasts seeking a modernized classic experience.

New Content Improved Character Customization
New quests More options for appearance
Additional characters Enhanced skills and abilities
Expanded locations Personalized avatars

Nostalgic Gaming Experience

Having explored the exciting new content and features in Fallout 2: Restored Edition, I couldn't help but indulge in a nostalgic gaming experience that transported me back to the classic RPGs of my youth. The game's developers have truly captured the essence of the original Fallout 2, creating a nostalgic atmosphere that oozes with charm and familiarity. The revamped mechanics breathe new life into the game, while still staying true to its roots.

Here are three reasons why the nostalgic gaming experience in Fallout 2: Restored Edition is so captivating:

  1. Revisiting familiar locations: Walking through the post-apocalyptic wasteland of New California brought back memories of my first adventures in Fallout 2.
  2. Interacting with beloved characters: Meeting characters like Sulik and Marcus again was like catching up with old friends.
  3. Immersive storytelling: The deep and intricate storyline of Fallout 2 still holds up today, drawing players into its rich and compelling world.

Fallout 2: Restored Edition truly delivers a nostalgic gaming experience that transports players back to the golden age of classic RPGs.

Diablo II: Resurrected

Diablo II: Resurrected delivers an immersive and nostalgia-inducing gaming experience for fans of the classic RPG genre. With its enhanced visuals and revamped multiplayer experience, this remastered version of the iconic game brings new life to a beloved title.

One of the standout features of Diablo II: Resurrected is its enhanced visuals. The graphics have been completely overhauled, breathing new life into the dark and atmospheric world of Sanctuary. From the detailed character models to the stunning environments, every aspect of the game has been beautifully reimagined. It's a visual treat that captures the essence of the original while bringing it into the modern era.

The multiplayer experience in Diablo II: Resurrected has also received a significant overhaul. With the introduction of cross-platform play and enhanced matchmaking, players can now seamlessly connect with friends and strangers alike. Whether you're teaming up to fight hordes of demons or competing in player-versus-player battles, the multiplayer component of the game offers endless hours of entertainment and camaraderie.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Play Final Fantasy VII Remastered on My Playstation 4?

Yes, you can play Final Fantasy VII Remastered on your PlayStation 4. It's definitely worth the upgrade, with enhanced gameplay mechanics that take the classic RPG experience to a whole new level.

Are There Any New Features or Gameplay Improvements in Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition?

There are indeed new character classes and improved AI in Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition. These additions enhance the gameplay experience, allowing for more diverse character builds and challenging encounters with smarter enemies.

What Changes Have Been Made to the Graphics and Sound in Chrono Trigger Reborn?

In Chrono Trigger Reborn, the graphics have been completely overhauled, giving the game a stunning visual upgrade. The sound has also been remastered, immersing players in a rich and dynamic audio experience.

Is Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition Compatible With Windows 10?

Yes, Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition is compatible with Windows 10. It's great to see classic RPGs being remastered for modern platforms, allowing us to revisit these beloved games with improved graphics and compatibility.

Does the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening HD Include Any Additional Content or Levels Compared to the Original Game?

Yes, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening HD does include additional content compared to the original game. With enhanced graphics and new features, it takes the classic adventure to a whole new level.


In the ever-evolving world of gaming, these remastered classics stand as shining examples of timeless storytelling and immersive gameplay.

Like a masterful symphony, Final Fantasy VII Remastered, Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition, Chrono Trigger Reborn, Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening HD, Fallout 2: Restored Edition, and Diablo II: Resurrected breathe new life into beloved RPGs, capturing hearts with their nostalgic charm and modern enhancements.

They're a testament to the enduring power of these iconic titles and the enduring love of the gaming community.

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