PCSXR PSX/PS1 Emulator

PCSXR is my personal favorite emulator for playing PSX games. There are other choices but I have found PCSXR to work very well, be easy to set up and to me compatible with all of the games that I have tried.

You will need the PCXSR program, a bios from your PSX system, the nuvee light gun plugin and a backup copy of the game you want ot play.

PS1 Emulator for PC

This wikipedia page gives you a good overview:


It is pretty old so don’t expect to find a lot of current development or chat about it but it does just tends to work, it runs all of the games and lets you improve their graphics to a degree. It will also look much better on modern TVs than the original console.

Start here:


Here is a decent tutorial on getting started:

This video gives you an idea of the sort of graphics improvements that you can achieve:

I haven’t been able to find many tutorials on setting up Nuvee with PCSXR so I will have to put one together soon. In the meantime, You can follow the guides for PCSX2 which uses the same plugin and the same process.

PCSXR Controller Plugin

There are basically 3 decent pcsxr controller plugins that I have found and use. The Nuvee controller plugin discussed below allows you to use a light gun – or more accurately to use a raw mouse device as a light gun to play light gun games.

pcsxr controller plugin
pcsxr controller plugin

There is the N-rage controller plugin and also the SSSPSX PAD plugin. Both of these allow you to use a normal controller. You can use whatever controller that you want so long as it has the necessary buttons and sticks. You then map those buttons to the ps1 controller buttons you want, for the game to register. Its pretty straight forward.

ssspsx pad config
ssspsx pad config

You just click the button that you want to map and then press the button on your chosen controller.

Very briefly, you need to download and extract the nuvee plugin from here: http://pcsx2.net/download/send/41-win-plugins/12-nuvee.html

Then you should copy the dll file into the pcsxr plugin folder. Once that is done, select it as a controller plugin in the plugins menu.

Its pretty much set up by default. you do need to go in and select the game that you are going to playing the configuration tab but don’t change much else.

Follow the instructions in the PCSX2 guides to get a better understanding.

Further info


What is PCSXR?

PCXSR is an emulator for the ps1 console that runs on PC’s.

Is this the same as the psxfin emulator

The psxfin emulator is another Playstation one emulator for the PC which subsequently changed its name to psx.

Can you play light gun games using the pcsxr emulator?

Yes. It requires the Nuvee plugin, but once you have that the setup is quite straight forward.

Do I need a PCSXR Bios to use it?

Yes, you need a bios file that has been exported form the original console. Different bios files will be required to play different roms depending on when they were exported and from what region.

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