Best Games Like Divinity: Original Sin 2 – Top RPGs for Fantasy Lovers

If you’re keen on the sprawling narratives and deep role-playing elements found in Divinity: Original Sin 2, you’re certainly not alone. I find that this critically acclaimed CRPG has set a high bar with its engaging turn-based combat and rich, player-driven storytelling. Its isometric viewpoint harks back to classic RPGs, while its nuanced world full of choices keeps me coming back for more.

I’ve been on the lookout for games that provide a similar sense of adventure and freedom, and fortunately, there’s a variety of video games that scratch that same itch. Many other CRPGs match up to the intricate game mechanics and immersive experiences akin to Divinity: Original Sin 2. Whether it’s the story intricacies found in games like Tyranny or the D&D-inspired mechanics in Solasta: Crown of the Magister, there’s no shortage of worlds to dive into for those longing for more.

Having explored the realms of various games that emulate the intricate designs and complex narratives, I’ve levelled my insight to share a selection of the finest CRPGs that resonate with the same ambitious spirit. Each game offers a unique twist on the formula, providing fresh locales to explore, new characters to meet, and storylines that react dynamically to the choices you make.

Top Picks for CRPG Enthusiasts

In my experience with CRPGs, few games manage to captivate the strategic depth and engaging story that “Divinity: Original Sin 2” offers. However, there are some exceptional titles in the genre that stand out for their rich narrative, tactics, and immersive worlds, making them worthy alternatives to satisfy that craving for intricate role-playing and decision-making.

Pillars of Eternity Series

The Pillars of Eternity series is a brilliant example of a modern CRPG with a classic feel. Its engrossing storyline and strategic combat are particularly reminiscent of “Divinity: Original Sin 2”. My personal favourite is “Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire”, which expands upon its predecessor with enhanced mechanics and an even greater emphasis on choice and consequence.

  • Isometric RPG: Yes
  • Notable Features:
    • Deep lore and expansive world-building
    • Nuanced party-based tactical combat
    • Complex character development

Baldur’s Gate Series

“Baldur’s Gate 3” is the latest addition to the Baldur’s Gate series and undoubtedly worth the attention of any CRPG lover. Although still in development during my last play, its early access previews show immense promise with its blend of D&D elements and riveting narrative. Plus, having a history of groundbreaking stories, the Baldur’s Gate series provides a nostalgic yet fresh adventure.

  • Isometric RPG: Yes
  • Notable Features:
    • Intricate D&D rule-based system
    • Rich character interactions and epic storytelling
    • Visual splendour with modern graphics

Pathfinder Series

Then we have the Pathfinder series, with games like “Pathfinder: Kingmaker” offering an experience that blends classic RPG mechanics with new innovations. My time navigating through its vast kingdom as a ruler was filled with gripping challenges, both on and off the battlefield.

  • Isometric RPG: Yes
  • Notable Features:
    • Robust kingdom management alongside standard adventuring
    • Substantial character customization
    • Strategic combat that requires well-thought-out planning

Tyranny and Torment: Tides of Numenera

Finally, “Tyranny” and “Torment: Tides of Numenera” are two separate games that deserve a mention side by side for their unique takes on the genre. “Tyranny” casts you as an enforcer in a world where evil reigns, which is a twist that I found particularly compelling. Meanwhile, “Torment” is a thematic successor to the classic “Planescape: Torment” and offers a narrative so profound that it stuck with me long after the credits rolled.

  • Isometric RPG: Yes
  • Notable Features:
    • “Tyranny” offers a morally grey storyline and innovative spell-crafting system.
    • “Torrent: Tides of Numenera” provides a rich narrative experience focusing on player choice.

Innovative Combat and Customisation

Characters engage in dynamic combat, wielding unique weapons and casting powerful spells. They customize their abilities and equipment, creating a visually stunning and diverse battlefield

Innovative combat and deep customisation systems are at the heart of titles similar to “Divinity: Original Sin 2”. Games like “XCOM 2” and “Solasta: Crown of the Magister” have taken inspiration from the genre-defining mechanics of turn-based tactics and character development, offering their unique twists.

XCOM 2 and Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden


  • Turn-based combat: Encourages strategic gameplay, with an emphasis on skill and unit placement.
  • Character customisation: Each soldier can develop through a robust skill tree, promoting varied playstyles.

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

  • Turn-based combat: Blends stealth with strategy, urging a more considered approach.
  • Character customisation: Special abilities and mutations provide distinctive ways to tailor your team.

Wasteland Series

  • Character customisation: In-depth skill system allows for detailed squad specialisations.
  • Combat: Both Wasteland 2 and its successors use a turn-based system that rewards tactical thinking and careful planning.

Solasta: Crown of the Magister

  • True to tabletop: Solasta captures the Dungeons & Dragons experience with a faithful adaptation of turn-based combat.
  • Customisation: The game lets me intricately craft my character’s background, abilities, and even morality.

Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark

  • Turn-based combat: Features classic tactical battles that will feel familiar to genre aficionados.
  • Character customisation: Over 30 classes and 300 abilities offer a rich tapestry for character development.

Narrative and Exploration Highlights

A group of adventurers navigates through a lush, fantastical landscape, encountering mythical creatures and uncovering hidden treasures

I’ve delved into numerous games that share the complex narratives and vast worlds akin to “Divinity: Original Sin 2”. Here, I’d like to share a few that stood out for their exceptional storytelling and exploration opportunities. Each showcases diverse quests and open-world designs that cater to an abundance of player choices.

Disco Elysium

In Disco Elysium, storytelling takes centre stage, offering a vast array of player choices that influence the narrative. The game prides itself on its depth of dialogue and character development. Quests are intricately woven into the fabric of its rich, dystopian world, inviting me to unfurl the layers of its intriguing storyline through pure exploration and interaction, sans combat.

Divinity: Original Sin Series

Divinity: Original Sin and its sequel are luminaries among role-playing games, hosting a sprawling, open world brimming with lore. The series is a haven for my passion for exploration, offering myriad quests that seamlessly meld story with gameplay. Both games afford a sense of autonomy, where my decisions pivotally steer the story’s unfolding.

Pathway and Weird West

While Pathway delivers a more linear approach, its 1930s pulp adventure-inspired quests are undeniably compelling. Weird West, on the other hand, presents a unique narrative blend set in a fantastical reimagining of the Wild West. Exploring these worlds feels like peeling back layers of a mystery, where discoveries lie around every corner, and my choices shape the journey and its conclusion.

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