Ghost Squad for the WII was (and is) a great shooting game but if you are finding it challenging then we have you covered.
Here you will find all the gecko codes for ghost squad and you can use them either on the wii or through the dolphin emulator if you are playing it that way.
There are a few different versions of the game based on the region so make sure that you are using the codes for the right one as the codes are specific to the particular version of the disc.
Ghost Squad [RGSP8P]
If Increase Level 99
C202F6E8 00000002
3C80000F 60844D29
9083001C 00000000
Always Quick Shot
040BC22C 7C601B78
Always Head Shot
040BFC48 3880000C
Always Head Shot Mission 2 Boss
041026A4 38A00001
Hover To Detain Hostages
040BCDCC 48000008
Single Click Clear Mine
0410B84C 60000000
Freeze Mission 2 Stealth Meter
040FE1E0 38000003
040FE318 7C601B78
040FE360 7C601B78
040FE2F4 7C802378
You Can’t Shoot Hostages Or Other Allies
C20BCAC8 00000007
881F000B 2C00000C
41820020 2C000004
41820018 2C000040
41820010 2C000050
41820008 48000008
38A00000 2C050000
60000000 00000000
*Enemies can still shoot your allies, use the next code to stop that*
Enemies Always Miss
040C1040 38800000
040C0FF4 3BA00000
Unlimited Flashlight Battery
041010DC 60000000
Slow Down Hand-To-Hand Combat Events
0410097C 60000000
04100980 7C601B78
Unlimited Timers
Unlimited Mission Select Time
04036A8C 60000000
Unlimited Decision Time
04038EA8 60000000
Unlimited Sniper Time
040E848C 38030000
Unlimited Time To Pick Up Items
0411F2A4 38030000
Unlimited Bomb Sub-Mission Time
04107D40 60000000
Unlimited Basement Time
041043E4 38030000
Unlimited Stealth Time
040FE208 38030000
Unlimited Mine Time
0410CF74 38030000
Unlimited Mission 1 Boss Time
040F373C 38000002
Unlimited Mission 2 Boss Time
041021CC 38030000
Unlimited Mission 3 Boss Time
040EC234 38030000
Unlimited Circuit Breaker Timer
041033EC 7C802378
Unlimited Mission 1 Restaurant Cover Time
040F9C80 38030000
Another Mission 2 Decision Timer
04106328 7C802378
Unlimited Mission 3 Ruins Cover Time
040FA230 7C601B78
040FA400 7C601B78
Score mission 99999999
4A000000 80000000
145180D0 05F5E0FF
Infinite HP
04033F54 60000000
Infinite Ammo
040877F0 60000000
Infinite Spraymode
04088988 60000000
Infinite Timers
infinite mission select time
04036958 60000000
infinite decision time
04038D74 60000000
infinite sniper time
040E849C 7C601B78
infinite time to pick up items
0411F2B4 7C601B78
infinite bomb sub-mission time
04107D50 60000000
Infinite Basement Time
041042B0 7C601B78
infinite mission 1 restaurant cover time
040F9C90 7C601B78
Infinite Mission 1 Boss time
040F374C 38000002
infinite stealth time
040FE218 7C601B78
infinite circuit breaker timer
041033FC 7C802378
Another mission 2 decision timer
04106338 7C802378
infinite mission 2 boss time
041021DC 7C601B78
(CAC80 rifle can’t penetrate the cockpit so you have to shoot him before he gets in)
Infinite Mine Time v1.1
0410CF84 38000064
infinite mission 3 ruins cover time
040FA240 7C601B78
040FA410 7C601B78
infinite mission 3 boss time
040EC244 7C601B78
all guns have dot sight
0408912C 60000000
always have compensator
04088394 3860002D
04088398 4800000C
compensator lasts forever
04120404 60000000
Super Item Launcher
C211F268 0000001F
2C1D0000 408200EC
3FE0804D 63FFCFD8
A81F0002 2C004001
4082000C 38000017
480000A0 2C004002
4082000C 38000015
48000090 2C004004
4082000C 3800000F
48000080 2C004008
4082000C 38000009
48000070 2C004010
4082000C 38000021
48000060 2C004100
4082000C 3800001E
48000050 2C004200
4082000C 38000004
48000040 2C004400
4082000C 38000020
48000030 2C004800
4082000C 3800001F
48000020 2C005000
4082000C 38000022
48000010 2C006000
40820038 3800002A
3FE0C000 93E40000
90040004 1FE00028
3FC0803C 381EF370
7C00FA14 90040008
38000000 90040010
380001C2 90040014
7C9F2378 00000000
This code requires the nunchuk. Here’s how it works. While holding C, pressing any other button will give you an item. This allows us to load up to 11 items at any time. Since the previous two codes make most items obsolete, why would we want 11 item shortcuts? The reason is because the game uses item shortcuts to switch guns during events! We can use this code to switch to any gun at any time, even during events, cut scenes, or boss fights.
There’s more. There’s a secret grenade launcher that you can’t normally get, the GGL50. There are also “items” that cause the Action button to throw grenades of various types. I think the grenades were supposed to be an option that was cut out of the game before release, because it seems their collision detection with the floor is poor, so you have to spam grenades sometimes to get them to work. Some grenade explosions are small, others are quite large, and one’s even a smoke grenade, but it sucks ‘cos it doesn’t impair the enemy vision.
Here’s the list of items as given in the code. Remember that you have to press C + the button listed
Left – SG112 for shotgun – 0x17
Right – SPR11 for sniper rifle – 0x15
Down – M45R for pistol – 0x0F
Up – XMW21 for machine gun – 0x09
+ – Action button will throw flash grenade – 0x21
2 – lame (but secret!) GGL50 – 0x1E
1 – CPG7 for backup machine gun (better penetration, faster reloads) – 0x04
B – Action button will throw poison gas grenade – 0x20
A – Action button will throw smoke grenade – 0x1F
– – Action button will throw huge grenade – 0x22
Z – for user’s to replace (0x2A = GS upgrade)
Here is the nearly-complete list of items.
>=0x32 = death
0x31 = M209 (again?)
0x30 = Armor 2
0x2F = Armor 1
0x2E = High cap mag
0x2D = compensator
0x2C = blank??
0x2B = Dot sight
0x2A = Grenade GS upgrade
0x29 = Full Auto GS upgrade
0x28 = 3 shot burst GS upgrade
0x27 = 2 shot burst GS upgrade
0x26 = blank??
0x25 = medal
0x24 = first aid
0x23 = action button throws explosive grenade
0x22 = action button throws huge grenade with action
0x21 = action button throws flash grenade with action
0x20 = action button throws poison gas grenade
0x1F = action button throws smoke grenade (annoying)
0x1E = GGL50 grenade launcher (actually sucks)
0x1D = action button throws regular grenade
0x1C = SAW24
0x1B = CAC80 (single shot)
0x1A = CAC80 (single shot)
0x19 = SAN92
0x18 = ABG1
0x17 = SG112
0x16 = M4E
0x15 = SPR11
0x14 = SR308
0x13 = SPR3
0x12 = CAC82
0x11 = Guardian 1
0x10 = Guardian 2
0x0F = M45R
0x0E = P44M
0x0D = P4512
0x0C = PM6
0x0B = TM9V
0x0A = M209
0x09 = XMW21
0x08 = SAW24
0x07 = G50
0x06 = TR14
0x05 = AR4A
0x04 = CPG7
0x03 = TK1B
0x02 = MP10
0x01 = M94R
0x00 = XM-2119
If you want to change any of the items, look at the code for the multiple 380000xx’s and replace the xx with the byte for the item you want. I tried to choose default items with the best stats. In fact, the SPR11 has better penetration than mission 2 boss fight’s CAC80 – you actually *can* shoot him while he’s in the airplane cockpit if you switch guns with this code.
Unlock all 16 mission levels
C203820C 00000002
3800000F 901E0070
801E0070 00000000
(380000xx controls the number of levels open. 0F makes it 16, 10 would make it 17, 11 would make it 18. The game doesn’t appear to crash on higher levels, it just makes timers even shorter, enemies harder, and so on. Not sure how big it can get before crashing…)
Always quick shot
040BC23C 7C601B78
Hover to detain hostages
040BCDDC 48000008
Single click clear mine
0410B85C 60000000
Infinite clip
04087848 60000000
(don’t have to reload, works with side-quest weapons like sniper rifle/rocket launcher, doesn’t work with fully auto)
Infinite fully auto
040889E0 60000000
Take no damage from enemy fire
04033E20 60000000
(based off of g6flavor’s infinite health code)
Take no damage from friendly fire
04034178 60000000
(previous code doesn’t stop hostage damage)
freeze mission 2 stealth meter
040FE1F0 38000003
040FE328 7C601B78
040FE370 7C601B78
040FE304 7C802378
You can’t shoot hostages or other allies
C20BCAD8 00000007
881F000B 2C00000C
41820020 2C000004
41820018 2C000040
41820010 2C000050
41820008 48000008
38A00000 2C050000
60000000 00000000
(enemies can still shoot your allies, use the next code to stop that)
enemies always miss
040C1050 38800000
040C1004 3BA00000
always head shot
040BFC58 3880000C
(doesn’t work on bosses)
always head shot mission 2 boss
041026B4 38A00001
instakill switch on button 1 (need always head shot)
040BCAC4 7C651B78
284DCFDA 00000200
CC000000 00000000
040BCAC4 38A00001
E0000000 80008000
Starts off instantly killing all enemies on screen. Press 1 to turn it on and off. Requires “always head shot” to work. Requires “you can’t shoot hostages or other allies” or they die too.
infinite flashlight battery
041010EC 60000000
Slow down hand-to-hand combat events
0410098C 60000000
04100990 7C601B78
c and action buttons decrement mission select level
C2036880 00000003
3C60804D 6063CFD8
80630000 70634000
2C030000 00000000
action button by itself still increments mission select level
999,999 Exp (enough for Lv99, all Weapons and Customs)
04540D04 000F423F
Infinite Life (ported from ZiT’s jap code)
00033E23 000000B0
Infinite LIFE
04033E24 900300B0
The Number of Infinite Ammo & Blaze Infinity
04087904 907F000C
04088A9C 907E030C
044F92D0 00000000
Blaze is Infinite with any Kind of Weapon
0408F0FC 4BF74104
04003200 38000004
04003204 901E0020
04003208 4808BEF8
040888D4 90BF0020
It does not Support a Weapon Causing Overheat.
Philip is a life long gamer and enthusiast.
He first started gaming in the 80’s on an Atari 2600 and has never looked back. He has owned just about every major console since then.
His passion for retro gaming and emulation sprung from trying to recapture the excitement of playing light gun games like Time Crisis and Point Blank in the arcades by emulating them on a PC and has grown from there into a love of emulation and Retro Gaming.