Make sure that the Mouse calibration hack is checked when you start. Once you have calibrated the light gun, alt/tab to bring up the main pcsx2 screen and uncheck the mouse calibration hack box. If you don’t do that, it wont register all of your shots.
The most important tip to get it working is to make sure that the light gun is calibrated correctly in windows. Stand exactly where you did to calibrate the gun.
I find it helpful to do the initial in game calibration with the mouse pointer on then turn it off once you start playing. Unfortunately, there is always a chance that it will drift off so you want to remove as many variables as possible.
Hosted at Universal Videogame List
Philip is a life long gamer and enthusiast.
He first started gaming in the 80’s on an Atari 2600 and has never looked back. He has owned just about every major console since then.
His passion for retro gaming and emulation sprung from trying to recapture the excitement of playing light gun games like Time Crisis and Point Blank in the arcades by emulating them on a PC and has grown from there into a love of emulation and Retro Gaming.
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