Getting Started Guide for Sinden Light Gun Owners

It’s nearly here! (or is here depending on when you read this)

I have been incredibly excited about the Sinden Light gun project since I heard about it. I backed it as soon as I could and have been following the progress religiously!

There have been a lot of delays and the project is way past its intended delivery date (it turns out that designing something completely new and getting it manufactured is no easy task for one man working basically on his own!), but finally its almost here. The backer survey is nearly out and the light guns should start shipping from July.

I started this site over a year ago basically in response to this project. I wanted something to do to keep me occupied while I waited, but also, I found getting emulators and things set up to be very difficult and confusing. I have had an Aimtrak and found getting it working on a range of systems difficult.

Sinden Lightgun
The Sinden Light Gun

It turns out that it’s not really that difficult at all and most systems can be set up in a few minutes.

The problem is that it’s only easy when you know what you are supposed to be doing. Picking the right emulator and the right plugins, then understanding which bits you need to configure can be confusing.

Basically, there was no one place that listed everything that you needed to do and that would have made it WAY easier.

So I have created it here.

There are probably other ways to set things up but these steps have worked for me for each system.

At the minute, I have an Aimtrak light gun so the instructions are based around that. As soon as I get my hands on my Sinden Light Guns, I will be going through and getting my set up working with them and I will update these instructions.

I don’t think the instructions will change that much but I am guessing at this point.

If you spot anything at all that’s wrong or you think could be done better or if you have other instructions for systems that I have missed then please let me know in the comments. I’m learning as I go and emulation is a huge subject.

Below, you will find links to the guides for each system linked.

Model 2 is a nice easy one to start with but they are all easy enough so just pick your favorites!

The Systems.

The WII has loads of light gun type games. Once you have it set up you can play them all.
Its reasonably easy to set up once you know what you are doing and the games are modern looking which is always nice.
I would start on 1x resolution while you get set up and then try to increase it as it can be quite resource intensive.
The Dreamcast does not have many light gun games but the ones it has are pretty good. The Redream Emulator has recently received Light Gun support and works really well.
I haven’t tested it 2 player yet so let me know if you have been able to and what you find.
The Model 2 emulator has some classics of the genre. Its easy to set up and get playing and the roms are tiny and easy to download.
It makes a good starting place for emulating light gun games.
I wrote this tutorial a while ago but it still holds true. The PS2 is one of my favorites but it is a lot more fiddly to get set up than other systems. You have to configure each game separately! Once they are set up once though you can keep playing them and they do look sweet!
This covers the Teknoparrot emulator which lets you play many Arcade titles. This article needs some updating and I am going to be redoing it once I have my Sinden Light gun, but it should be enough to show you the basics and let you get started.

More guides and other systems.

I’m going to be adding to these guides as much as I can and I will be updating them for and Sinden Light gun specifics once I have mine.

If you have any guides or can put one together to help the community then I would love to hear from you either by email or in the comments.

I’m especially interested in guides for setting up arcade titles as they seem to be a bit unique!

6 thoughts on “Getting Started Guide for Sinden Light Gun Owners”

  1. I don’t have much experience with emulators and I now have the sinden light guns. Can’t get point blank 3 to work with it.

  2. I still have a fat CRT SDTV sitting in my bedroom specifically so I can play Super Scope games. I would love to get a write-up on 1: How to configure a Sinden for SNES emulator use 2: If it works better than the AimTrak 3: How to take apart a Sinden and put its guts into the Super Scope so I can play with the Super Scope itself. It’s a wild request but if you’re still “looking for something to do” it’d be an amazing guide.

  3. Hi Cyr,
    I’m glad to hear you are still into these games! That tutorial sounds like a good idea. It might be a while before I can get to it though. If you manage to get it working and fancy writing it up then I’d be happy to post it for other people.

  4. Hey. Its not a wild request at all. Those were some great games!
    It should be fairly straight forward. I’ll get to it soon hopefully. If you manage to get it working and written up Id be happy to post it though!

  5. I believe it is being worked on. Its not just plug and play at the minute though. There is a project that involved plugging the gun into a raspberry pi which interprets the targeting and then using an ossc to overlay the border.

    Its a bit of a do it yourself project at the minute. If and when it gets finished off I will write it up though.

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